Wiggle have made it easy for you to compare bicycle insurance. Our table below compares Wiggle Cycle Insurance with other providers and organisations offering insurance to cyclists. It’s easy to compare on price but you should always check what is actually included in the price you have been quoted.
The amount of bicycles purchased in Australia in the last five years has skyrocketed. Unfortunately the bike theft figures reflect this. There are ways to protect yourself against this risk but with numerous insurance options on the market, make sure you do your homework so you’re not left unprotected.
Home & Contents Insurance
Many cyclists are happy to have their home insurance cover their bikes as it’s usually inexpensive. However, don’t assume your bike is covered as home insurers will mostly have limitations and exclusions on how your cycle can be used. Home insurance simply wasn’t designed to insure the modern cyclist. Once outside the home, almost no home insurance covers accidental damage, personal accident, public liability or any of the other benefits usually associated with specific cycling insurance. Home insurers often impose large excess amounts, commonly in the region of $500 and in addition to this, your home insurance ‘no claims’ may be affected. The real cost of covering a bicycle on your home insurance is worrying. We recommend you carefully assess the level of cycle cover you have on your home insurance and what your exposure is in the event of claim. A few shortcomings of some home insurance:
Low maximum cycle value
No cover for theft or accidental damage away from the home
Excess up to $500
Exclude competitions

Membership Insurance
A certain level of insurance is included in the membership offered by Cycling Membership Organisations. It is extremely important not to assume that you are sufficiently covered without understanding the level of cover provided. Many people turn to a club or organisation just for the insurance, unaware that it does not cover their bikes, or offer the range of comprehensive benefits a cycling specific insurer often provides.
Our Cycle Insurance
At Wiggle, we love bikes. We ride bikes everyday across all cycle disciplines, our cycle insurance team know the risks and believe you should consider cycle specific insurance. We’ve made it easy for cyclists to find the right policy for your ride and your pocket. We offer two straightforward policies packed with extensive benefits to provide cyclists with cover they can rely on, unbeatable value, and a claims service that will get you back on your bike as quickly as possible, should you need it. It’s quick and easy to get a quote and you can even pay monthly.